Quote of the Day

What does it mean to be spiritual?

Everything is spiritual, so whether you want to be or not, you already are. From my experience, a deeper sense of feeling spiritual comes as a result of expanding your awareness. This can be achieved through an array of various practices; yoga and meditation being predominant in my personal practice. - Kate C

Quote of the Day #QOTD

Divine masculine represents action, direction, movement, responsibility, strength, focus, fatherhood, the sun, generosity, encouragement, material abundance, clarity, intellect, transformation and growth. The divine masculine is what is going to support the birth process of the new earth, which is being brought into manifestation by divine feminine.
— World Wide Web

Quote of the Day #QOTD

Quote of the Day #QOTD

The gazelle eats the grass and is devoured by the lion. It isn't a matter of who is the strongest, but the Universe's way of showing us the cycle of death and resurrection. And within that cycle there are neither winners nor losers; there are only stages that must be gone through. When the human heart understands this, it is free and able to accept difficult times without being deceived by moments of glory.