Charts of Interest

No one is more dangerously insane than one who is sane all the time: he is like a steel bridge without flexibility, and the order of his life is rigid and brittle.
— Alan Watts

Most people are addicted to thinking. Compulsive thoughts going on and on; the problem lies in believing we are these thoughts instead of the silence in-between.

Most people love study and focus on historical crap, thinking they won’t make that mistake or this mistake, yet they are focusing their time and energy on losers. Study and focus on the big winners of the past, and you’ll uncover the future ones.

“Study past big winners and you’ll buy future ones.” - William O’Neil

Compliments of Galaxy Brain Capital Management


Charts of Interest

Since the beginning of time, a man has largely been controlled by emotions, fear and greed. When a student of market action allows these emotions to influence his market response, he loses many opportunities in the market. The student must at all times resist these two emotions. Confidence and courage are required to overcome fear and greed. Courage is inborn. Confidence is gained by study, study and more study.
— John Hill