“I don’t wait for the sun to shine. The Light.. it comes from me. ”
Charts of Interest
Live Fearless. Not Reckless
Charts of Interest
“No one is more dangerously insane than one who is sane all the time: he is like a steel bridge without flexibility, and the order of his life is rigid and brittle.”
Most people are addicted to thinking. Compulsive thoughts going on and on; the problem lies in believing we are these thoughts instead of the silence in-between.
Most people love study and focus on historical crap, thinking they won’t make that mistake or this mistake, yet they are focusing their time and energy on losers. Study and focus on the big winners of the past, and you’ll uncover the future ones.
“Study past big winners and you’ll buy future ones.” - William O’Neil
Compliments of Galaxy Brain Capital Management
Charts of Interest
Charts of Interest
“Since the beginning of time, a man has largely been controlled by emotions, fear and greed. When a student of market action allows these emotions to influence his market response, he loses many opportunities in the market. The student must at all times resist these two emotions. Confidence and courage are required to overcome fear and greed. Courage is inborn. Confidence is gained by study, study and more study. ”
Drugz R for Winners
Give zero $FOCS
Can you define your edge in a sentence or less?
Studies in Stock Speculation - Wyckoff, 1925. Shared by John Boik
If you’re not making mistakes, then you’re not doing anything.
Charts of Interest
Live Fearless, Not Reckless.
If you want to improve, be content to be thought foolish and stupid." -Epictetus
From ‘Baruch - My Own Story’ - Bernard Baruch - 1957.
Charts of Interest
Ticker list curtesy of @AllStarCharts
Charts of Interest
“The most important thing is money management, money management and money management. Anybody who is successful will tell you the same thing. The one area that I am constantly trying to improve on is letting my gains run. Im not able to do that well. Im always working on it. To my dying day, Ill probably still be working on it. ”
Positivity will attract positive people into your life. Having a few genuine, positive friends is better than having lots of negative ones.
Charts of Interest
“I don’t think traders can follow rules for very long unless they reflect their own trading style. Eventually, a breaking point is reached and the trader had to quit or change, or find a new set of rules he can follow. This seems to be part of the process of evolution and growth of a trader.”
“Wall Street Ventures and Adventures” - Wyckoff 1930
Live Fearless. Not Reckless.
Charts of Interest
“It was at that point that I said, “Mr. Stupid, why risk everything on one trade? Why not make your life a pursuit of happiness rather than pain?” That was when I first decided I had to learn discipline and money management. It was a cathartic experience for me, in the sense that I went to the edge, questioned my very ability as a trader, and decided that I was not going to quit. I was determined to come back and fight. I decided that I was going to become very disciplined and businesslike about my trading. ”
Live Fearless, Not Reckless.
Charts of Interest
“I came to the psychology of human misjudgment almost against my will; I rejected it until I realized that my attitude was costing me a lot of money, and reduced my ability to help everything I loved.”
Charts of Interest - $GS $JPM $USB $PYPL $SQ
“Self-love doesn’t always mean loving yourself the way you are. Often, it’s a gentle rebellion. It’s waking up and realizing you don’t like what you see in the mirror. It’s removing yourself from anything that doesn’t resonate with you, and vibrating at your own unique frequency.”
Charts of Interest - $FSLY $DDOG $TDOC
“And men should know that from nothing else but from the brain comes joys, laughter, and jests, and sorrows, griefs, despondency and lamentations. And by this...we acquire knowledge and we see and hear and know what are found and what are fair, what sweet and what unsavory... and by the same organ we become mad and delirious and fears and terror assail us.”
Charts of Interest & Current Positions $SPY
“You have to be willing to make mistakes regularly; there is nothing wrong with it... making your best judgement, being wrong, making your next best judgement, being wrong, making your third best judgement, and then doubling your money.”
PYPL Weekly
$ROKU Weekly
Sage Weekly
Obstacles are a necessary part of life. They help us build awareness and take 100% responsibility for our decisions.
TSLA Monthly
NOW Weekly
CYBR Weekly