“Today don’t think or say, “I’m tired,” “I’m hurt,” “I’m angry.” Don’t even think or say, “I’m happy.”
Instead, think and say, “I’ve chosen to be tired, hurt, angry.” Or better still, “I’m choosing to be happy.”
You don’t get “hit” by feelings, you feel them based on your perceptions, and you perceive based on your beliefs, and you believe as you choose.”
HRV Score: 55
Relative Balance: 8 (sympathetic)
Sleep: 8hr 32m
Overall morning mood: Was woken up early to my amazing lover. Nothing better than morning fucking to start off the day! I was little tight. I could still feel a bit of soreness in my right shoulder and right elbow, but will continue to stretch and use the tennis ball on my triceps to loosen up the muscle back there along with my chest. I feel like my chest is pretty tight, I need to focus on loosening up the chest up as well. Going to be a fantastic Friday.
Meditation Practice - 7:55a- 21m 26s - 5hz Theta
“Gratitude will shift you to a higher frequency, and you will attract much better things”
GYM: Strength Circuit
Warm Up Run
Trinity Mountains 4%
9m 38s
EG: 114ft
Ave HR: 123
Strength Circuit 3X
Deadlifts - 4x12 @205lbs
Standing Pulls in Squat 3x12@50lbs
Incline cable press 3X12/Arm @20lbs
Lunge with Dumbbell Curl to Press 3X8/L @25lbs
Stability Ball Dumbbell press 3x12 @55lbs
Horizontal Cable Chops 3X12/s @20lbs
Up downs (planks) 3x10/side
Cable Crunches 3x15/side @25lbs
YOGA: Corepower C2
Class #30
C2 10/30
Average HR: 113. Max: 174
Teacher: Jen
I enjoy Jen’s class focus on gratitude and sending it out. It has been the focus of my meditation practice and creates happier and happier days. I have been incredibly thankful for her and the rest of the Grand Studio’s teachers in helping me get the most out of my classes.
Today marked my 30th class and I feel like I have learned so much and I know it is only the beginning of this journey, i mean it will never end but regardless, I am excited for what is to come.
At the end of class, Jess handed out these gratitude straws with suggestions written on them. My read, Bring Treats for Your Coworkers. So I figured next class I attend, I will bring donuts from Granny’s in West St. Paul.
Class was tough, I was sweating or as like to call it purging like no other. It was a great class. I think I enjoy her music selection that absolute most of all my classes. Sweat. sweat. sweat!
Thank you Jen for an awesome class and an incredible month.
Infinite Love & Gratitude!