HRV Score: 52
Relative Balance: 9 (Parasympathetic)
Sleep: 8hr 4m
Overall morning mood: Slept great. Ready for a hard strength circuit day and the realx the rest of today and rest day tomorrow.
Meditation Practice: 11:42am - 13 minutes - 528Hz
GYM: Strength Circuit
Warm Up Walk
Grand Staircase - 6%
EG 165ft
Triniity Mountains - 0%
Average HR: 129
Strength Circuit
Romanian Dead lifts (3x12 2-50lb dumb bells)
Diagonal Cable Wood Chops (3x 12/Side @ 20lbs)
Squat w/Dumbbell press (3x15 @ 50lb Kettle-bell)
Single Arm Cable Push (3x 12/arm @20 lbs)
Kettle Bell Lateral Lunges (3x 12/side @45lb Kettle-bell)
Bent-over Dumbbell Flies (3x15 @12lbs)
External Cable Rotations ( 3x15 @Orange Band)
Cable wood Chop - Static holds (3xSide (30 sec Hold @ 15lbs)
Pull Ups 3x12
Bench Press 3x10 @135lbs + Red Bands
Dips 3 x Til Failure