“When was the last time you pleasantly surprised or even shocked someone, and remained anonymous?
Well, it just may be the most fun one can have in time and space. ”
HRV Score: 57
Relative Balance: 8 (Parasympathetic)
Sleep: 9h 44m
Overall morning mood: I feel like the more sleep I get the better I feel. Sounds dumb to say that. Like Duh… Of course you do stupid. Ha! Not sure why fight sleep the way we do. Although, I do think my sweet spot is between 8.5 and 9 hours of sleep.
I was excited for week 7 to start on this program. Today was a strength circuit and was looking forward to change.
Meditation Practice: 8:11am - 12m 15s - 174Hz
“Let her sleep, for when she wakes, She will move mountains”
GYM: Strength Circuit
Warm Up Run
Trinity Mountains 2%
EG: 144ft
Ave HR: 132
Strength Circuit 3X
Deadlifts - 3x20 @205lbs
Standing Pulls in Squat 12@35lbs 12@35lbs 12@50bls
Incline cable press 3X12/Arm @20lbs
Lunge with Dumbbell Curl to Press 3X8/L @25lbs
Stability Ball Dumbbell press 3x12 @45lbs
Horizontal Cable Chops 3X12/s @20lbs
Up downs (planks) 3x10/side
Cable Crunches 3x15/side @25lbs
Cool Down Run
EG: 000ft
Average HR: 139
Yoga: Core Power C1 & C2
12p C2 Class
Class #22
C2 6/22
1h 18m
Ave HR: 104 Max: 148
Teacher: Jamie
130p C1 Class
Class #23
C1 17/23
1h 22m 44s
Ave HR: 110. Max: 143
Teacher: Ellen
Notes: Overall notes from the gym and yoga…
Awesome workout at the gym. I know I can push the weight and probably the reps on everything. It felt awesome. I took video of my dead lifts. I was going slow and from I could tell, I was really happy with my form. I don’t anticipate any sort of soreness other than from lifting weight for the first time in about 9-10 weeks.
I felt strong. I wanted to get to yoga so i thought I would get to the C2 class at noon. I am glad that I did. I once again thoroughly enjoyed her class of ass kicking. I was definitely warm, which was nice. I wish I had the time to journal quick after class before heading to work so I would remember more.
I was pouring sweat. It felt so good. I know one question I mean to ask was; when do I know when my rear foot should be up on the ball mount or driving backwards through my heel.
Not that Jamie didn’t kick my ass enough, I decide to stay for the C1 class at 130 as well. I enjoy Ellen’s class as well very much. The C1 was a nice addition to the C2 class as I was able to slow it down and really focus on breathing correctly. I am still so green to the C2 classes that I feel kind of all over the place.
I really wanted to push it today to see how my body would handle it and how sore, if at all, I would be tomorrow. Tomorrow is an easy cardio day.
Thanks much Jamie and Ellen for great classes today, Infinite Love & Gratitude!
What a killer day!!