“Think of the one area of life that brings you the most discomfort and know that’s where you’re ripe for growth. Never fails -”
HRV Score: 53
Relative Balance: 6 (sympathetic)
Sleep: 8h 32m
Overall morning mood: I woke up feeling pretty tight, but rested. Not sore at all.
I was excited for week 7 to start on this program. Today was a strength circuit and was looking forward to change.
Meditation Practice: 7:44am - 11m 20s - 5hz Theat
So far, this was my favorite tune to practice meditating to. Amazing.
“Unchecked assumptions eventually become delusions. Every action influenced by a delusion hurts us to some extent; it pushes us further away from the true nature of things.”
GYM: Cardio Day
Trinity Mountains - 2%
EG: 350ft
Average HR: 133
NOTES: Found it abnormally easy to keep my HR down today. I tried that shilajit again, no preworkout. I didn’t see my heart rate start to rise above 130 until 35-40min into my run and even then it never spiked above 140. It felt great. Legs and lungs…Also! I almost forgot… I didnt listen to music today. I listen to that theta frequency I practiced mediating to. It was awesome.
YOGA: Corepower C1
Class #24
C1 Class 18/24
Average HR: 103. Max: 137
Teacher: Nico
Notes: Great class today. It was small. I think I was one of three or four other people. I really enjoy these small classes. Nico helped me a lot today. He helped with my seated forward fold and he also helped me in extended triangle, Trikonasana. I have to consciously think about bending my knees in forward folding postures so that I hinge at my hips. He also helped me with a couple of hand stand suggestions. Working on L-jumps and planting my hands slightly closer to the wall. I believe his main point was to not focus on practicing entirely against the wall or you may start to use the wall as a crutch. Which, I whole heatedly agree with. Class was great today. Put on a sweat and left feeling amazing.
Thank again Nico, Infinite Love & Gratitude!