Today’s Mantras
I trust myself.
I believe in myself.
I AM becoming the highest
and greatest version of myself.
I personify the highest of virtues.
I never lie to myself.
I am a magnet that can attract money in any endeavor I undertake.
I make sacrifices now and reap massive rewards later.
HRV: 52 Green
SLEEP: 7H55M (SS80)
Gym - Legs, Back & Arms
Breath Work (15M)
“This just in… no matter how happy you have ever been, even at your happiest, it won’t come close to how happy you will one day be.
Trust me, I’m there now”
The Corner of 8th & Insanity
Tonight there is a karmic new moon. Expect surprises, karmic events, opportunities and break throughs. This is no ordinary new moon. Pay attention to the signs given by the universe tonight because the powerful new moon occurs the same day that Jupiter goes retrograde. The Great Teacher.
When things are hard, part of developing your intuition is to know whether its hard because its not meant for you or because your highest self (me) wants you to work even harder for it. Keep work at listening to your heart. Your heart will show you the way. Nobody else will ever be able to give you these answers.
This new moon in Leo is asking you to become emotionally independent dude. That means no seeking any form of external validation, support, praise or recognition. That is allowing someone else to decide your worth. Fuck that. Avoid pretending to be someone you are not just to feel whole and fulfilled. Eliminating this want implies accepting that your sense of identity can and will be found within. The external is never stable, and it never lasts long. Dude, you gotta start loving your journey as it is, and accept yourself as you are. Shine your soul and be proud of the unique path an d purpose that you carry on this planet.
I know sometimes you let the fears and wounds of rejection or lack creep in. And sometimes you feel like you are moving to slow or are stuck. Again, let go of external. Go within. Keep going to back to this idea that you have a very specific soul purpose and the divine knows exactly what you need to take you towards that. Love your needs, rather than giving into what your ego wants. Think about that for a second and re read it. The truth that you will come to is that what you truly desire to have and achieve is what your soul needs. Dude, I love you more than you may ever possibly know and you are doing great. I am proud of you.