Perseverance is one of the most valuable qualities to cultivate because it makes overcoming the most difficult things possible. As you persevere, you continue to step through your journey with confidence and determination. Walkin in faith with confidence the universe has got yo back.
Today’s Mantras
I AM approaching challenges
as opportunities for my growth and expansion.
I forgive myself for all of the mistakes Ive made.
I speak my mind, and nobody will stop me from doing so.
Time is my most precious asset - I make sure to never waste it.
My actions perpetuate a life of prosperity.
For me, failure doesn't exist. I either win or I learn.
HRV: 48 Yellow
SLEEP: 7H1M (SS74)
GYM: Legs, Back & Arms
“When you love who you are, Nick, you become much more lovable.
Not that that’s why I love you.”
The Corner of 8th & Insanity
Dude, Don't let your mood control you. Keep workin at controlling your mood, so you can regain your personal power and control your whole life. Thats where the real magic in transmuting comes from. What you hold on to has power over you. What you let go of loses its grip on you. So detach and flow. When you detach you trust. Just trust. I know sometimes its easier said than done, but have I ever really lead you astray? I didnt think so. Rejection has always been redirection and I know you are starting to get that now as you look back and reflect. There are phases of life that will seem disorienting, but when its all said and done and the dust settles, you will realize that you weren’t really being torn to pieces, you were expanding.