Conquering addiction is not a mystery.
You simply need to find a purpose,
that you value more than the feeling,
you get from what you're consuming.
Today’s Mantra:
I AM stepping through my comfort zone
and into the unknown.
My extraordinary life is awaiting me.
I will not let fear stop my from fulfilling my dreams.
My masculinity isn't toxic - it is pure, cleansing, and powerful.
I am designated for a higher purpose.
4a - Yin & Breath work
6a-8a Gym: Legs & Back
830a - 11a Work/ Trade/ Study/ Write
11a - 1p - Breath Work & Lunch
1p -3p Trade/ Write/ Study
3p-430p - Podcast with the Boys
430p - Family Time (Distractions Off)
Calming yourself in chaos is Godly.
The Corner of 8th & Insanity
Dude, you haven't realized it yet, but the Universe has taken your remorse for your past mistakes that you continuously feel guilty about into account. Thats not who you are. Your personal accountability, empathy for those you may have hurt, and your changed behavior has paid your karmic debt. You are free. Let go of the shame, guilt, and fear that you'll de destroyed at some inevitable point in the future; your years of being depressed and all the darkness and self-loathing that has imprisoned you was punishment enough. You have served your time, and now you are being released into a new reality of second chances, self-love, and joy. It may take some time to readjust to a life of happiness and sunny vibes but dedicate your energy to acclimating to your rebirth and accept and enjoy feeling alive again without questioning if it will last. Continue to grow and being a better person. Share the lessons you learned from surviving the times you thought you wouldn't survive. Share within reason and feel free to keep the sensitive details private. Just get back to living. You haven't done that in so long. Your soul misses it. Lets go baby, you got this. Im here for you. Always. Its been a wild week. I know, I know. It will take come practice but continue to let it go.
Don't expect people to understand your evolution when the Universe didn't give them your vision. Move in silence and execute relentlessly.