
I’m known for my short-selling ability, and March 2009 was a disastrous demonstration of how it can go wrong. Working to correct mistakes and get back on track helped to create a very nice May 2010 result for me, as evidenced by the statement above. As traders, we must all keep moving forward. I admit it is somewhat creepy and bizarre having disgruntled individuals continue to stick the knife in my back as they try to publicize my bad March/April 2009, but the fact is that this is just the kind of garbage traders have to rise above. Bill O’Neil told me that what makes a good trader a great trader is their ability to bounce back from the times when they get hit. Frankly, I hope my progress will inspire the rest of you to realize that no matter how difficult things get for you, you must absolutely remain a student of the market and be doggedly persistent and courageous in examining and correcting your mistakes and taking action to get back on track.

To these gadfly critics of mine, I say, “Eat my shorts!” ;-) G.M.

Gil Morales