“Wow, was that you?!
I was just playing around with some time-space elements, inventing and stuff, when I thought I heard a familiar voice say, “Holy @#$%, Universe! Thank you so much for this day and every second of it! Exactly as it is, exactly as I am...”
Almost dropped my chocolate into my peanut butter.
You’re welcome, you are so welcome -”
HRV Score: 56
Relative Balance: 6 (Parasympathetic)
Sleep: 8h 27m
Overall morning mood: THANKS GIVING
Gratitude has a way of bringing us into the present moment, allowing us to be with what is. Our mind is no longer chasing after something in the future or lingering somewhere in the past. We are content….
Gym: Stability Circuit + Cardio
Walk - GrandStaircase Warm Up 4%
1 mile
EG: 435ft
Ave Hr 113
Trinity Mountain Run - 0%
30 minutes
Average HR: 132
Stabilitly Circuit 2 - Active Recovery Week - 2x
Standard Pull Ups - 2 x 10
Dumb-bell Squats (Dumb bell held under chin) - 2 x 15 @35lbs
Standing Cable Pulls - 2 x 20 @20lbs
Standard Push ups - 2 x 20
Hip Extensions on Stability Ball - 2 x 20 W/5sec pause
Dumb bell Chek Press - 2 x 15 @10lbs
Stability Ball Seated Cable Rotations - 2 x 12/side @ 15lbs
Russian Leg Curls - 2 x 4
Trinity Mountain Run - 0%
30 minutes
Average HR: 137