Health is Wealth: Strength Day - Day 34/243 #RUN #YOGA

When fortune comes, open your doors.
— Italian proverb

HRV Score: 48
Relative Balance: 7 (sympathetic)
Sleep: 8h 17m
Overall morning mood: Slept great. Ready for a long work out day.
Meditation Practice: 3:33pm - 10 Minutes - 396Hz

You cannot win the war against the world, if you can’t win the war against your own mind.

Gym: Strength Circuit Day

  1. Grand Staircase Warm up - 6%

    1. .5 mile

    2. 10 minutes

    3. EG: 177ft

  2. Run - Trinity Mountains - 0%

    1. 3.34miles

    2. 30 minutes

    3. Average HR: 128, Max 147

  3. Strength Circuit

    1. Romanian Dead lifts (3x12 @50lb Kettle-bell)

    2. Diagonal Cable Wood Chops (3x 12/Side @ 20lbs)

    3. Squat w/Dumbbell press (3x15 @ 45lb Kettle-bell)

    4. Single Arm Cable Push (3x 12/arm @20 lbs)

    5. Kettle Bell Lateral Lunges (3x 12/side @35lb Kettle-bell)

    6. Bent-over Dumbbell Flies (3x15 @12lbs)

    7. External Cable Rotations ( 3x15 @Orange Band)

    8. Cable wood Chop - Static holds (3xSide (30 sec Hold @ 15lbs)

    9. Pull Ups 3x12

    10. Dips 3 x Til Failure

    11. Notes: Felt strong and had a lot of energy. I struggle with the lateral lunges. Although I found it to be a bit more comfortable doing them wearing shoes as opposed to barefoot. Its not a very fluid motion and I have to really concentrate.

      1. While doing the single arm cable pushes, I realized that tightening my inner quads, my balance increased significantly. It felt really good.

      2. I increased weight on every exorcise and still felt like I left a lot there. The straight leg deadifts, try a barbell. The kettle-bell weight was still too low while keep reps at 12-15. I think I can push the weight across the board next strength workout as well.

The very heart of yoga practice is abhyasa – steady effort in the direction you want to go

Yoga is for internal cleansing, not external exercising. Yoga means true self-knowledge.
— Sri Krishna Pattabhi Jois