“So much to be thankful for, huh?
Yet so little time. ”
HRV Score: 55
Relative Balance: 7 (sympathetic)
Sleep: 7hr 39m
Overall morning mood: I slept well but didnt get enough. I wasn’t sore or stiff waking up what soever. I just thought after the 90m run yesterday I might be feeling it a bit today but felt great.
Meditation Practice - 7:39a- 10m 18s - 5hz Theta
“At the end of your struggles, challenges, and obstacles comes the mental strength to cross many boundaries in the future. ”
GYM: Stability Circuit
Warm Up walk
EG 200ft
15m 39s
Average HR: 124
Stability Circuit
Reverse Band Turns - Red Band: 15/Arm 3x
Banded Side Walks - Orange Band: 15/Leg 3x
Prone Cobra w/Single Leg Lift: (10sec/Leg x3 = 60sec) 3x
Hip Extensions (Feet on Stability Ball) 15 w/10sec pause - 3x
Banded Y,T,L,W’s - Single Leg - 3x
Y - yellow band 15/leg
T - yellow Band 15/leg
L - yellow band 15/leg
W - yellow band 15/leg
Single Leg Plank - (15sec per Leg x2) - 3x
Single Leg Tri Pushdowns - 10/leg @35lbs - 3x
Dips 3x15
Pull Ups 3x12
The ability to continue moving when you are feeling scared, fearful or lazy is the sign of true mental strength.
YOGA: Corepower
C1 Class #19
Class 19/26
Average HR: 86. Max HR: 115
Teacher: Jamie
Class was great today. It felt extremely calm. I could hear my self breathe the entire class. When the teacher speaks, I listen for something different or new that I can really identify with.
I don’t remember the pose, it was probably forward fold in rag doll, Baddha Hasta Uttanasana. She was asking what could we let go. Was I still tense in my neck, my jaw, my shoulders? I was continually asking myself what could I relax the rest of class. It seems every time I find that spot that is tense (particularly my upper back/shoulders or hamstrings), there is usually a deeper stretch if I can relax on the inhale and really let go on that out hale breath. I’ve really been working at getting my hamstrings to loosen up. I definitely feel an overall difference in how my legs feel an body feel.
Even days I think I am going to wake up feel incredibly sore or stiff, it is much more mild and my starting point is still relatively flexible compared to how tight I have been in the past.
Before class I asked Jamie a couple of things about the heel position in Crescent Lunge, Ashta Chandrasana. I was wondering if you needed to be up on the ball mount of your foot or driving the hell towards the ground. I think what it really came down to was lengthening my stance and really pushing that rear knee away from the ground.
Fantastic class as always, Jamie. Thanks you-
Infinite Love & Gratitude!