“You’re about to be a millionaire, have you considered that once these dreams come to pass, you may become too popular to even grocery shop for yourself?
Yeah, peeps can do it for you.
”Don’t forget the maple syrup!” ”
HRV Score: 59
Relative Balance: 9 (Parasympathetic)
Sleep: 7hr 54m
Overall morning mood: Woke up early and antsy to get up and move around.
GYM: Stability Circuit
Warm Up Run - Trinity Mountains 2%
Average HR: 129. Max 136.
EG 160ft
Stability Circuit
Reverse Band Turns - Red Band: 15/Arm 3x
Banded Side Walks - Orange Band: 15/Leg 3x
Prone Cobra w/Single Leg Lift: (10sec/Leg x3 = 60sec) 3x
Hip Extensions (Feet on Stability Ball) 15 w/10sec pause - 3x
Banded Y,T,L,W’s - Single Leg - 3x
Y - yellow band 15/leg
T - yellow Band 15/leg
L - yellow band 15/leg
W - yellow band 15/leg
Single Leg Plank - (15sec per Leg x2) - 3x
Single Leg Tri Pushdowns - 10/leg @35lbs - 3x
Bench Press w/ Red Band - 3x10 @135lbs
Pull Ups 3x12
Russian Curls 3x4
Hand stand static holds 60sec - 3X
Bar Hangs 60 sec - 3X
Cool Down Run - Trinity Mountains 2%
Average HR: 122. Max: 139.