“Ever wonder when looking back at your life, why it’s easier to remember the good than the bad, the pleasant than the unpleasant, the laughs than the cries?
It’s simply because there’s always a lot more of the former. ... In every life. ”
HRV Score: 61
Relative Balance: 8 (parasympathetic)
Sleep: 8h 32m7h 21m
Overall morning mood: Woke up feeling okay. I woke up an hour and half before my alarm and didnt go back to sleep. I felt like I slept pretty good. I have been listening to different and sounds and frequencies while I sleep. Last, I listened to generic forest sounds, a couple of howls and crickets.
Meditation Practice - 7:44a - 10m 45s - 5hz Theta
“Wherever you are is the perfect place to awaken. This moment is the exact place to practice compassion and loving awareness. You have all the ingredients to breathe and find freedom just where you are.”
GYM: Stability Circuit
Run - Warm Up
19m 51s
Average HR: 125. Max: 141.
EG: 147ft
Stability Circuit
Reverse Band Turns - Red Band: 15/Arm 3x
Banded Side Walks - Black Band: 15/Leg 3x
Prone Cobra w/Single Leg Lift: (10sec/Leg x3 = 60sec) 3x
Hip Extensions (Feet on Stability Ball) 15 w/10sec pause - 3x
Banded Y,T,L,W’s - Single Leg - 3x
Y - yellow band 15/leg
T - Red Band 15/leg
L - yellow band 15/leg
W - yellow band 15/leg
Single Leg Plank - (15sec per Leg x2) - 3x
Single Leg Tri Pushdowns - 10/leg @35lbs - 3x
Push ups 3x15
Pull Ups 3x12
Russian Curl 3x4
The Corner of 8th & Insanity:
People turn sullen over a trivial emotional matter and then attack the person later with an unrelated but logical-sounding excuse.