Health is Wealth: 80/243 - Stability Circuit #RUN #YOGA #MTB

I’m so excited, I’m so excited!!
This year I know, I just know, you’re gonna be become a millionaire.
Wow, you too?
A coincidence?
How do you think I’m going to get mine?
Rooting for you, and pulling out all the stops -
— The Universe

HRV Score: 63
Relative Balance: 8 (Parasympathetic)
Sleep: 9h 35m

Overall morning mood: Great

Meditation Practice - 7:48a - 8m 20s - 5hz Theta

Hike: Willow River

  • 3.33mi

  • 1h 12m 06s

  • EG 213ft

  • Notes: The whole trail was sheer ice. Opted to turn back from the falls.

GYM: Stability Circuit

  • Warm Up Run - Trinity Mountains 0%

    • 8m 31s

    • 1.01miles

    • Average HR: 129. Max 136.

    • EG 0ft

  • Stability Circuit

    • Reverse Band Turns - Red Band: 15/Arm 3x

    • Banded Side Walks - Orange Band: 15/Leg 3x

    • Prone Cobra w/Single Leg Lift: (10sec/Leg x3 = 60sec) 3x

    • Hip Extensions (Feet on Stability Ball) 15 w/10sec pause - 3x

    • Banded Y,T,L,W’s - Single Leg - 3x

      • Y - yellow band 15/leg

      • T - yellow Band 15/leg

      • L - yellow band 15/leg

      • W - yellow band 15/leg

    • Single Leg Plank - (15sec per Leg x2) - 3x

    • Single Leg Tri Pushdowns - 10/leg @35lbs - 3x

    • Dips 3x10

    • Hand Stand Holds 3x 45sec