“Oh yeah, regarding your ancient spiritual contracts, that outlined every facet of the life you now lead? Well, just wanted to remind you that they’re all re-written every dawn, and perpetually updated as each day unfolds.
Proving yet again that nothing is meant to be, that you are truly unlimited, and that anything can happen next, if you choose it.”
HRV Score: 60
Relative Balance: 10 (Parasympathetic)
Sleep: 8h 7m
Overall morning mood: Great…Didn’t want to get out of bed. Still need more sleep.
Meditation Practice - 7:48a - 10m 15s - 5hz Theta
The practice of Yoga brings us face to face with the extraordinary complexity of our own being.
GYM: Strength Circuit
Warm Up Run
Trinity Mountains 4%
14m 51s
EG: 167ft
Ave HR: 131
Strength Circuit 3X
Deadlifts - 4x10 @205lbs
Standing Pulls in Squat 3x12@50lbs
Incline Dumbbell Press 3x12 @60lbs
Lunge with Dumbbell Curl 3X8/L @25lb
Stability Ball Dumbbell press 3x12 @55lbs
Standing Military Press 3x12 @75lbs
Horizontal Cable Chops 3X12/s @20lbs
Up downs (planks) 3x10/side
Cable Crunches 3x15/side @25lbs
Calf Raises 3x12 @90lbs
Hand Stand Holds 3x 60sec
9m 18s
EG Oft
Average HR 137