HRV Score: 60
Relative Balance: 10 (Parasympathetic)
Sleep: 8h 7m
Overall morning mood: Great…Didn’t want to get out of bed. Still need more sleep.
Meditation Practice - 7:48a - 10m 15s - 5hz Theta
The practice of Yoga brings us face to face with the extraordinary complexity of our own being.
GYM: Strength Circuit
Warm Up Run
Trinity Mountains 4%
14m 51s
EG: 167ft
Ave HR: 131
Strength Circuit 3X
Deadlifts - 4x10 @205lbs
Standing Pulls in Squat 3x12@50lbs
Incline Dumbbell Press 3x12 @60lbs
Lunge with Dumbbell Curl 3X8/L @25lb
Stability Ball Dumbbell press 3x12 @55lbs
Standing Military Press 3x12 @75lbs
Horizontal Cable Chops 3X12/s @20lbs
Up downs (planks) 3x10/side
Cable Crunches 3x15/side @25lbs
Calf Raises 3x12 @90lbs
Hand Stand Holds 3x 60sec
9m 18s
EG Oft
Average HR 137