Men who seek happiness never find it.
Men who seek purpose find happiness.
Today’s Mantra
I am allowing and accepting all of me.
The loving parts and the fearful parts.
The peaceful parts and the reactive parts.
The kind parts and the angry parts.
As I allow and accept all of me,
I can cultivate the love parts
and heal, transform, and re-pattern
the fearful parts.
4a - Yin & Breath work
5a - 6a Walk
6a - 715a - Gym: Chest & Shoulders
730a - 830a - Breakfast
830a - 11a Work/ Trade/ Study/ Write
11a - 1p - Breath, Walk & Lunch
1p - 330p Trade/ Write/ Study
330p - 7p - Family Time (Distractions Off)
7p - 8p - Podcast with the Boys
9p - Rest & Recovery
Living your life in fear is very dangerous, and no one respects fearful men.
If there’s something you deeply desire, be courageous to go after it.
Manifestation is only real for those who have eliminated fear.
“Your word, Nick, is one of the most powerful forces of nature.
Listen to yours to find out what you really think.
And speak them wisely to pave the path before you in gold.”
The Corner of 8th & Insanity
When you start feel any bit of doubt or fear creep in about your ability to achieve any goal that you have set, it’s time to pause and rewire those thoughts. People love to argue over words. Whether you want to call them negative thought patterns, demons, whatever, just know it’s a coping mechanism of th ego to try and keep you safe, not help you reach your goal. The ego is hard wired for survival and wants to protect you, not see your success unless you rewire it for success. It’s like training a dog. The more you rewards its behavior, the more it will behave in that way. The more you act in the way in which your brain is suggesting, the more it will suggest you behave in that way. Replace and rewire the negative neural network with positive affirmations that speak to your limitless potential and in conjunction with that, give yourself permission to let go. You will naturally stair step from affirming I give myself permission to just simply affirming I let go.
Affirmations of one's knowledge of power:
Level 1: Life happens to me.
Level 2: Life happens for me.
Level 3: Life happens with me.
Level 4: I am life happening.
Level 5: I am life.
Level 6: Life.
Level 7: No-Thing/No-One/Source