“You can change a great many things...
Or you can change.”
HRV Score: 58
Relative Balance: 9 (Parasympathetic)
Sleep: 8hr 55min
Overall Mood: Woke up feeling pretty good. Although, again was up at about 4am unable to fall back asleep until 5am and slept until 7am. Mood was great. Patient and present
Home: Yoga Day 11: Shakti Practice
Gym: Stability Circuit
Grand Staircase Hike (15min Warm up)
.1 miles
EG: 386Ft
Max HR: 113.
Trinity Mountain Run - 30 minutes
Average HR: 146 (180-34(My age)= 146)
Standard Pull Ups - 3 x 10
Dumb-bell Squats (Dumb bell held under chin) - 3 x 15 @35lbs
Standing Cable Pulls - 3 x 20 @20lbs
Standard Push ups - 3 x 20
Hip Extensions on Stability Ball - 3 x 20 W/5sec pause
Dumb bell Chek Press - 3 x 15 @10lbs
Stability Ball Seated Cable Rotations - 3 x 12/side @ 15lbs
Russian Leg Curls - 1 x 5, 1 x 4, 1 x 3