“The trick to blending work and play, lies not in what you do, but in how you view what you do.
See work as play and see play as important - super, very.
Super, very important!”
“The Master acts without doing anything
and teaches without saying anything.
Things arise and she lets them come;
things disappear and she lets them go.”
HRV Score: 56
Relative Balance: 9 (Parasympathetic)
Sleep: 9h 33min
Overall morning mood: I woke up feeling awesome. I felt like I slept like a rock. According to my Garmin, I got roughly 4h 15m of deep sleep which is high for me. Last night I googled best sound frequency to sleep to and Delta (less than 4 Hz) popped up so I thought I’d give it a shot. I had it playing in Bose speaker behind my bed relatively quiet. I found a playlist on Spotify and went with The Northern Lights on repeat. Gonna give another whirl tonight! We shall see how it goes. I was seeing crazy synchronicity all morning. I saw 1,111 steps, saw my heart rate at 111 numerous times when I checked my watch. Mileage I saw was 115454. The morning was great..
Home: Yoga - Day 17 - Happiness Boost Yoga
Gym: Stability Circuit
Elliptical - Yosemite Warm Up (10min Warm up)
1 mile
EG: 830ft
Ave Hr 124
Trinity Mountain Run - 25 minutes
Average HR: 146
Standard Pull Ups - 3 x 10
Dumb-bell Squats (Dumb bell held under chin) - 3 x 15 @35lbs
Standing Cable Pulls - 3 x 20 @20lbs
Standard Push ups - 3 x 20
Hip Extensions on Stability Ball - 3 x 20 W/5sec pause
Dumb bell Chek Press - 3 x 15 @10lbs
Stability Ball Seated Cable Rotations - 3 x 12/side @ 15lbs
Russian Leg Curls - 1 x 5, 1 x 4, 1 x 3
Notes: I forgot my chest strap, so I had to keep placing my hands on the Treadmill monitor to make sure my heart rate was staying under 145. I was. It was just a little frustrating. My Garmin Wrist Watch that has a hear rate monitor doesn’t work for shit. On a normal run, where my heart rate stays consistently between 135 and 140, my garmin will tell me I am running at 159-178 beats per minute. WTF. At some point during the run I started to feel tired. I could feel it coming both physically and mentally. I was initially going to run down town to read for a few hours before work but decided to head home instead. I ate..a lot and then took an hour nap. I noticed some tightness in my hips and a little soreness in my right shoulder. Tomorrow is a rest day. I think it is much needed. Frustrating, considering how great I felt this morning. Then a workout Friday-Sunday and then an active recovery week. I have a feeling I will be taking that recovery week abnormally slow. Probably a good thing..
“The more you are motivated by love, the more fearless and free your actions will be. ”
The Corner of 8th & Insanity: You had a great start but the day fell apart. I can tell you still don’t entirely know or understand why. That’s okay…You know, Momma always said their would be days like this..perhaps your lesson in this is to slow down a bit. It appeared as though you rushed from one thing to another today. Slow down. Enjoy. Were you even fully present at your Chiropractic appointment. No, I don’t believe you were. You were thinking and trying to figure out if you were going to be able to hit up Core Power, and the complete your workout before getting to work. Your mind was running. That was a selfish move. Your brother took time out of his day, unpaid to help you. Yes you listened. And I know how appreciative you are of his help. Today, that was irrelevant. You weren’t present. At all. Even working out, I don’t believe your mind was there. Perhaps that is your lesson for the day. BE PRESENT. The day is over and it close to bed time. Learn from it, be aware of it. Let it go. Forgive yourself for it.
Dude- you are your own worst enemy. At the same time, you know yourself better than anyone else. We wanted to discuss this self love today. Self acceptance. Total self acceptance. You don’t get pick and choose which qualities to accept. Once you begin to accept yourself for who you are, your internal demons and self hate will disappear. Trust me. Flood your fucking shadows with light. Why not!? You cannot truly love anyone else until you truly love your self.
Your mind & ego have a way of hiding your self hate. Healing has and will be difficult but you are on the right path. Stay with it. I promise you it will be worth it. Listen… real love understands that subconsciously monsters exist but when they surface, that true love will be accepting. Totally. Do you know why? Because Love and acceptance knows that suppression does not bode well. How can it?
Your self criticism, judgmental attitude, eating unhealthy, lacking sleep, wasting time doing shit that doesn’t matter or is waste of time, some days pure laziness, inability to accept others as they are, lack of setting goals and continual self doubt are forms of self hate that you need to deal with. They all prove to be moments of non acceptance of yourself. You may not hate yourself all the time, but if you do not heal these issues, the cracks will become larger and larger. We know what you have to do to heal. For one, it starts with forgiveness. That unconditional love. You have to understand and be aware that your mistakes are part of life. You are what you are and you know what you know because of what and where you have been. Mistakes are learning opportunities. You know that already! They are going to happen. By forgiving yourself for your mistakes of the past, you are releasing those feelings, in effect not dwelling on them.
The more you repress these thoughts and feelings, the more vicious they become. Be true with yourself. While, it may be easier said than done, stop fighting yourself man. Just let yourself BE. Real love is a state of non expectation. Total acceptance. Trust me, the world will become a happier and more beautiful place the more you love yourself. Your world is a mirror of you
I want you to stop the self criticism. It isnt constructive what so ever. When ever you notice or feel a destructive thought coming.. I just want you to acknowledge it. And try to understand why you feel that way. From there, just tell yourself you disagree, replace it with something positive. No matter how dumb it may feel in the moment. Then I want you to remind your self that you love and accept every tiny bit of yourself and that mistakes happen. Til Next time…