Yoga takes you into the present moment, the only place where life exists.
Cardio Day
“Any struggle or pain that you experience just gets you to the top, and you can’t get there without making the climb. A few years later, you won’t remember exactly the way the pain felt or how long it took, you’ll just remember the view from the top. In fact, you might smile at the fact you had to work to get there.”
I've really come to love cardio days. Truthfully, I was always told and always told myself when I was younger that I was a sprinter, not a distance guy. I loved wind sprints, plyometrics, running hills, etc etc but I hated going out for a mile jog. I ran hurtles and sprint relays. I cant seem to get enough of the opposite now. Long runs and rides have become so therapeutic to me..
Post HS and into university between working in the service industry and partying I picked up the delicious habit of smoking. It was awful, as everyone knows. I couldn't even tell you why it started. I wasn't playing any sports or involved in any recreational activities so motivation was nowhere to be found. The only thing that kept me from weighing three hundred pounds was working as a valet parking attendant. Young and dumb. Fast forward half a decade and I've quite smoking, quite drinking any alcohol, caffeine, energy drinks and for the most part eat pretty clean. My diet is definitely not perfect, nobody's is but it's always getting better. This all brings me to my next point. How I feel. Cardio day. I love it. You almost don't even know how really shitty you actually feel or what they mean when they say you are what you eat until you know what it feels like to feel so freakin good.
A few life style changes and I've run a marathon with my eyes set on the Moab 200. Health is your wealth, man. Damn!
Today's cardio day. I walked a mile at the incline of 5 at 3.3mph to warm up which I think got me about 250 ft of elevation gain. It was a speed work day, and I was running so I settled on wind sprints. I ran a total of 4 miles between a 6mph at 8mph pace. My intervals were 30-60sec.
Miles 1 and 3, I ran wind sprints. Mile 1 was 30sec intervals (6mph vs 8.5mph). Mile 3 was 60 sec intervals (6mph vs 8.5mph). Mile 2 and 4 was recovery speed jog at 6mph/ )10min/mi pace).
I know a lot of people hate the tread mill, but I absolutely love it. For the most part, I find slower paced edm and focus on breathing.
I followed my run up with 30 minutes of stretching. I rolled out with the roller and softballs and stretched.
You guys Have a Killer Thursday!
Live Fearless, Not Reckless.
Six Must-do Body Weight Stretches for Road Trippers
Week 23 - Killer Stability Circuit
Week 23 - Explode & Power... Back at it
Hi Guys -
It was a great rest week for me. I really only rocked a stability circuit and a couple of low HR cardio days. Back at it this week, here as followed
Monday: Power Circuit (plyometrics)
Tuesday: Stability Circuit
Wednesday: Power Circuit (plyometrics)
Thursday: Cardio - Long run, Low HR (5mi+)
Friday: Rest Day
Saturday: Cardio Day - Spinning or Road Ride
Sunday: Cardio Day - Spinning or Road Ride
I was down in Moab, Utah a week ago now and rode the Whole Enchilada. From where I was shuttled to, it was only supposed to be a 20mi ride. Coming off of a week where I hiked 65+ miles in the three days prior, I didn't want to ride anything too long. In any case, I made a wrong turn somewhere down a jeep trail and ended up nine miles down near the canyon floor. It was a dead end of course, so by the time I climbed my way out, I pretty much doubled my ride into a 40 mi ride. Super fun, just didn't have the juice in the legs I really needed. Luckily, didn't feel any cramping until the path ride back to town!
I just wanted to say I really noticed the difference in my riding and over all ability after hitting the gym hard with Dee's MTB training program. Im not a paid advertiser, just wanted to say how awesome it is to notice the difference.
Live Fearless, Not Reckless.
Week 21 - Explode and Power
Hey Guys - My week is going to go as follows
Monday: Rest Day
Tuesday: Cardio - Interval Training
Wednesday: Stability Circuit
Thursday: Power Circuit
Friday: Rest Day
Saturday: Cardio - Long Run (8-12 miles) HR below Anaerobic Threshold
Sunday: Cardio - Intervals and Wind Sprints
Strong Mind, Strong Boy, Strong Life! Get your mind right guys and hit the gym.