The Corner of 8th & Insanity

Never lose your head over a vague, open-ended dream — plan to the end.


Today’s Mantras

No matter the situation, I feel confident and assertive.
I have an unshakable belief in myself and my purpose.
I am self-discplined and self-reliant.
I attract massive amounts of money to me.

Morning Routine
Yin/Stretch & BreathWork
Spin: Truchas 4
60m - 17.88mi
Yoga: CPY C2

Ever notice, that in the long run those who don’t eventually go “within,” often go “without”
— You've got the power, The Universe

The Corner of 8th & Insanity

When you dont have a clear vision of the future, it is easy to slip into obsessing about the past. If you focus on the past, it is creating the future by reliving it in the now. Fuck that dude. Visualization helps you to stay focused on your goals and allows you to manifest the type of future you truly desire.

Dude, I am so happy for you. You are elevating your vibration towards the frequency of limitless supply and unconditional love. Spiritually speaking, you are reaching for a high level of attainment. Past pain and self-feating behaviors no longer have place in your heart. Dude!!! Good mf riddance! I love it.

Christ consciousness is an expression of divine love that comes straight from the universal heart. It triggers a transmutation, an evolution so absolute, that you are irrevocably changed. You are increasingly becoming an embodied expression of pure divine will and unwavering expression of divine love for all who are in need.

Patience dude, this process takes lifetimes to complete. As you step into the unknown you will receive countless blessings to support your journey and fulfill your soul purpose of serving LOVE. Trust though, that there will be tests, too, but these give your spirit a chance at mastery.

I am so proud of you and who you are becoming. I love you, I am here for you, and holy moly have I missed you.

Live Fearless. Not Reckless.

The Corner of 8th & Insanity

Perseverance is one of the most valuable qualities to cultivate because it makes overcoming the most difficult things possible. As you persevere, you continue to step through your journey with confidence and determination. Walkin in faith with confidence the universe has got yo back.


Today’s Mantras

I AM approaching challenges
as opportunities for my growth and expansion.

I forgive myself for all of the mistakes Ive made.
I speak my mind, and nobody will stop me from doing so.
Time is my most precious asset - I make sure to never waste it.

My actions perpetuate a life of prosperity.

For me, failure doesn't exist. I either win or I learn.

HRV: 48 Yellow
SLEEP: 7H1M (SS74)

GYM: Legs, Back & Arms

When you love who you are, Nick, you become much more lovable.

Not that that’s why I love you.
— Love you, The Universe

The Corner of 8th & Insanity

Dude, Don't let your mood control you. Keep workin at controlling your mood, so you can regain your personal power and control your whole life. Thats where the real magic in transmuting comes from. What you hold on to has power over you. What you let go of loses its grip on you. So detach and flow. When you detach you trust. Just trust. I know sometimes its easier said than done, but have I ever really lead you astray? I didnt think so. Rejection has always been redirection and I know you are starting to get that now as you look back and reflect. There are phases of life that will seem disorienting, but when its all said and done and the dust settles, you will realize that you weren’t really being torn to pieces, you were expanding.

Live Fearless. Not Reckless.

The Corner of 8th & Insanity

Suppressed emotion breaks the heart & Strangles the soul.


Today’s Mantras

I AM listening to my intuition
and following my inner guidance.

My actions perpetuate a life of prosperity.

I never self-deprecate.
I cast aside self-doubt..
and replace it with sheer will to dominate.


HRV: 56 Green
SLEEP: 6H30M (SS60)
ASANA: Moring Hike (4mi)

Live Fearless. Not Reckless.

The Corner of 8th & Insanity


Today’s Mantras

I AM beginning a new chapter in my life.
Everything is unfolding for my highest good.

Every action I take will plant the seeds for wealth.
I practice gratitude for all of my blessings.

While others are blackpilled and pessimistic,
I know I will always make the best out of any situation.
I break through any and all barriers in my way.

I am pure love and light.
I am Divine Cosmic energy.
I have the power to bring my dreams to life.
My actions are aligned with the frequencies of my desires.
I am a magnet to my manifestations.
I am one with the Universe.


HRV: 59 Yellow
SLEEP: 5H45M (SS63)

The Corner of 8th & Insanity

There's a difference between solitude and depriving yourself of human connection due to a fear of betrayal that stems from early childhood trauma, and failed relationships. Trauma rewires our brain for protection. That's why it's difficult for wounded people to find connection.

Dude, no matter what you have been through, or where you have been…you are worthy of joy today. No matter the mistakes you have made, you are worthy of peace, today, here and now. No matter the pain you have felt, you are worthy of healing and living free today. Dude, you are worthy of everything good, today, here and now. August is going to be a big month for you. You’re going to start seeing all of your manifestations come together. There are going to be a handful of opportunities, life force energy radiating, more creativity, more inner peace, more break throughs, more answers and an increased awareness you had no idea even existed. Your path is becoming clear, I know you see it. Get after it! I love you man, always will. Im here for you.

Live Fearless. Not Reckless.

The Corner of 8th & Insanity

Discipline helps you to attract everything: growth, success and freedom.


Today’s Mantras

I AM healing, changing, transforming and awakening.

I don't sell myself short.
I learn from my mistakes and I keep pushing forward.
I am even stronger than I think I am.
I don't half-ass things. I either do them properly, or not at all.

I am excited to keep my P&L on the right path.
I trust that more money is coming to me.

I breathe in abundance.
I breathe out gratitude.

HRV: 53 Green
SLEEP: 7H5M (SS76)
Gym - Chest, Shoulders & Core
Yoga: CPY C2 - Power Vinyasa
Breath Work (15M)

The Corner of 8th & Insanity

Your physical actions must align with you are wanting in order for manifestation to be assisted by you instead of being prevented by you. This new moon in Leo is entirely about taking back and owning your power. Use the fire energy to to burn up and clear the limitations within you and everything that no longer serves you. LFG.

-Let go of bad friendships. Snakes shed their skin as they grow. You must shed friendships as you grow.
-Invest in self-education. If you’re learning, you’re earning. When you limit how much you can learn you’ll limit how much you can earn.
-Say yes even if you’re uncomfortable, but do not be afraid to say No and own it. You will be afraid. You will be anxious. You will be overwhelmed. Focus on putting one foot in front of the other.
-Get comfortable being alone. Loneliness kills some people. Loneliness makes others stronger. Choose to get stronger.
-Multiple mentors. Having a mentor is valuable. Having multiple mentors is wealth. The internet is a beautiful place where you can create your own echo chamber. Use it to create your own mastermind group.
-Feed your mind. Books > Netflix. Courses > News. Hiking > Scrolling. Create the growth you want.
-Master self-discipline. Discipline will see you through the hard times. Being able to be consistent leads to the results. You have to get up and work even when no one is watching.

Thinking, Nick, is life’s only variable.

Everything else was settled a long, long time ago.
— Sittin' pretty, The Universe

Live Fearless. Not Reckless.

The Corner of 8th & Insanity


Today’s Mantras

I trust myself.
I believe in myself.
I AM becoming the highest
and greatest version of myself.

I personify the highest of virtues.
I never lie to myself.
I am a magnet that can attract money in any endeavor I undertake.
I make sacrifices now and reap massive rewards later.

HRV: 52 Green
SLEEP: 7H55M (SS80)
Gym - Legs, Back & Arms
Breath Work (15M)

This just in… no matter how happy you have ever been, even at your happiest, it won’t come close to how happy you will one day be.

Trust me, I’m there now
— The Universe

The Corner of 8th & Insanity

Tonight there is a karmic new moon. Expect surprises, karmic events, opportunities and break throughs. This is no ordinary new moon. Pay attention to the signs given by the universe tonight because the powerful new moon occurs the same day that Jupiter goes retrograde. The Great Teacher.

When things are hard, part of developing your intuition is to know whether its hard because its not meant for you or because your highest self (me) wants you to work even harder for it. Keep work at listening to your heart. Your heart will show you the way. Nobody else will ever be able to give you these answers.

This new moon in Leo is asking you to become emotionally independent dude. That means no seeking any form of external validation, support, praise or recognition. That is allowing someone else to decide your worth. Fuck that. Avoid pretending to be someone you are not just to feel whole and fulfilled. Eliminating this want implies accepting that your sense of identity can and will be found within. The external is never stable, and it never lasts long. Dude, you gotta start loving your journey as it is, and accept yourself as you are. Shine your soul and be proud of the unique path an d purpose that you carry on this planet.

I know sometimes you let the fears and wounds of rejection or lack creep in. And sometimes you feel like you are moving to slow or are stuck. Again, let go of external. Go within. Keep going to back to this idea that you have a very specific soul purpose and the divine knows exactly what you need to take you towards that. Love your needs, rather than giving into what your ego wants. Think about that for a second and re read it. The truth that you will come to is that what you truly desire to have and achieve is what your soul needs. Dude, I love you more than you may ever possibly know and you are doing great. I am proud of you.

Live Fearless. Not Reckless.

The Corner of 8th & Insanity

Mind is where the change must occur.


Today’s Mantras

I AM opening my heart to love.
I AM opening my heart to joy.
I AM opening to the goodness of life.

I enjoy managing and investing my money.

When I enter a room, everyone notices me.
I dominate my competition.
I AM my only competition.
I conquer my fears and expand my comfort zone.
I AM unique & ONE OF A KIND.

SLEEP: 6H1M (SS71)
ASANA: Run - Intervals
YOGA: CPY C2 Power Vinyasa
Breath Work (15M)

The Corner of 8th & Insanity

You're not stuck in an endless loop of healing. The healing journey is an ascending spiral, not a circle. You must continuously come back to things you thought you understood, so that you can experience different forms of ascension, and realize how much you've grown.

Unlearning your toxic patterns, loving and re-parenting your inner wounded child is the purest form of healing. Dude, your subconscious desires control your manifestations. Thats why those who are products of broken families can be magnetically drawn to toxic relationships. Dont let the generational trauma win. Invest in therapy. Reprogram the subconscious. Self reflect and manifest. Manifest YOUR BEST LIFE. LFG! Dude you’re doing great. I love you more than you will ever know. Forgive yourself for your past, you didnt know any better. Love yourself enough to accept it, learn from it, and grow from it. Its only NOW that matters dude, you know it be true!

Live Fearless. Not Reckless.

The Corner of 8th & Insanity

I have certainty that everything will work out for the best. Worrying doesn't take away my problems, it just drains my energy.


Today’s Mantras

I AM living my best life.
I AM living a life I love.

I make the best out of any situation I am put in.
I was born to achieve beauty and excellence.

Financial success belongs to me, and I accept it now.
I am the master of my wealth.

SLEEP: 7H18M (SS52)
ASANA: Rest Day/Easy Ride

The Corner of 8th & Insanity

There is no shame in being a warrior that falls in battle but lives to fight another day. A true champion knows he will learn more from his defeats than his triumphs..

The world you see has nothing to do with reality. It is of your own making, and it does not exist. Some of what you see is shared delusion, the rest is "personal & private" to you, choosing to perceive you have a mind apart from God.

Live Fearless. Not Reckless.

The Corner of 8th & Insanity


Only fools have all the answers.

Today’s Mantras

I AM strong.
I AM courageous.
I AM resilient.

I learn from any challenges I encounter.
I adhere to iron discipline.
I breathe in abundance.

SLEEP: 7H38M (SS74)
ASANA: GYM - Chest Shoulders & Core (6A-830A)

The Corner of 8th & Insanity

When you’re healed, you tell the story differently. Without the judgement. Without the drama. You accept it as if you had chosen it. You have a sense of humor and lighthearted approach to what once seemed serious because you learned its lesson and since realized its purpose.

Always remember that people and situations will be brought in as distractions when you’re getting ready for a really significant timeline jump. These distractions will be targeted at your weaknesses. Your work is to stay out of survival energy and focused on what you are creating

I Affirm: I am all things that I desire, material and immaterial. I am healthy, happy and abundant in every area of life. I radiate magic wherever I go, and my intuition guides me to make inspired choices. I am the Life Force.

My frequency is based on how I feel. Feel frustration, and I attract more of the same. Trying to put my frustration to ease and just believe.

Live Fearless. Not Reckless.

The Corner of 8th & Insanity

It is your own bad strategies, not the unfair opponent, that are to blame for your failures. You are responsible.
Create yourself. Trust your journey.


Today’s Mantras

I AM loving myself, deeply and completely.

I command respect through my actions.

Creative energy surges through me and leads me to new and brilliant ideas.

Financial success belongs to me, and I accept it now.

My body is healthy; my mind is brilliant; my soul is tranquil.

SLEEP: 6H38M (SS74)

What’s meant to come into my life will come. Everything will work out sooner or later, and it will work out in the most magnificent ways that I didnt see coming. I let go of my worries and over thinking. I surrender to the infinite positive possibilities. AND SO IT MAY BE. SO IT SHALL.

The Corner of 8th & Insanity

Dude, feel the divine light within you. Right there in the center of your chest. I know you can see it, I know you can feel it. It looks like Star of David, rotating, glowing bright gold. Feel its strength, feel its love and feel it beauty. There is still a resistance that you feel. It is holding you back from speaking, living and embodying your truth. Let it fucking go. You are destined fro greatness. LFG.

Strength lies beyond physicality and is only the product of indomitable will. Find your resolve and the strength will follow. Now is the time to take your crown.

Live Fearless. Not Reckless.

The Corner of 8th & Insanity


Today’s Mantra

I AM taking care of myself and honoring my needs.

I regularly do things that scare me.
I am passionate and intense.
I refuse to submit to authoritarian figures.

I am so grateful for the ability to manifest money when I want it.

SLEEP: 6H47M (SS64)

There's a message in what you're going through. Listen carefully and understand it, so the lesson doesn't keep repeating itself.

Live Fearless. Not Reckless.

The Corner of 8th & Insanity

Come to me. We shall dance forever.


Today’s Mantras

Fear is dissolving.
Love is expanding.
I AM finding my way into
greater love, joy, wellness and thriving.

I always stay controlled and rational.
I start off each day with a grateful heart.
My capacity to hold and grow money expands every day.

SLEEP: 67H30M (SS71)

The Corner of 8th & Insanity

Modern society will shame you for earning money, shame you for being happy, shame you for being raised well, shame you for having children, and ultimately, shame you for existing. It isn’t just religion that controls you by declaring you a sinner. Make your own rules and rule. Do what makes you happy, do what you want.

People use so many excuses as to why they can't be happy, but you have to learn to see the good in everything. Happiness attracts happiness. That is why words are so important. They are creative energy. Kind words make healing energy. Use your words to form a positive reality. Inner peace is when you choose not to allow another person or event control your emotions. More inner control means more inner peace. Focus on where you're going, not where you've been or where you think you're stuck at. Only focus on the end goal. If you are persistent, you will get it. If you are consistent, you will keep it. I love you .

Live Fearless. Not Reckless.

The Corner of 8th & Insanity


Today’s Mantra

Everything is aligning in my favor.
Everything is unfolding for my highest good.
I AM grateful that everything is always working out for me.

I never get too comfortable.
All men fall, but great man rise again.

SLEEP: 6H10M (SS68)
ASANA: GYM - Legs, Back & Arms

The Corner of 8th & Insanity

Dude, your desires will never end. You will continue to crave, seek, and insist on more. The key is understanding that it’s the process and awareness of obtaining these things, and not the things themselves, that bring fulfillment. I know you love the grind, the Monday thru Friday so its all good. Party on!

Tell me, tell me baby honestly
Do you think there’s somethin' wrong with me
Do you wanna stick around to see
How bad a boy can be

I’m made of bad, bad, bad, bad blood
At least I know where I come from
And you could never hurt me none '
Cause it’s in my veins, that’s where it runs
Did you ever think I’d pull it off
Or were you convinced that it was all just talk
I can’t stop and I won't get caught
I won't, I won't, I won't

You do things in the honest way
They put your picture on the wall of shame
The more you care the more they make you pay
But I won’t, I won’t, I won’t, I won’t!

Live Fearless. Not Reckless.

The Corner of 8th & Insanity

That thing that makes you feel alive…


Today’s Mantras

I AM moving beyond my comfort zone
and towards my dreams.
I follow the path that makes my heart sing.

People respect my opinions and value my input.

I remove toxic, idle people from my life
and replace them with champions.

The energy of success & money chooses ME, ALWAYS.


HRV: 50 Green
SLEEP: 7H10M (SS79)
ASANA: GYM - Chest & Shoulders

All deliberate change, Nick, first comes from denying the logic that most gives you comfort.
— The big ticket, The Universe

The Corner of 8th & Insanity

Self-love is the key to thriving here on earth. Through learning to not only take care of but prioritizing your mental, physical and spiritual self, you will continue to take claim of your divinity. Self-love is taking the time to listen to and understand your deepest emotional needs – and finding ways to support the Self. You go this man. Keep going. Every damn day. It’s time to buckle up dude, because the Universe is about to open doors you didn't even knock on. Just don't forget to appreciate where you are at in your journey. Be thankful, look how far you have come. Even if it's not where you want to be, you are moving in the right direction. Onwards and upwards. Dude, give yourself the credit you deserve. Every season serves a purpose. Enjoy the beauty of becoming. Trust the wait. Your time is coming. Embrace the now dude, you know you love the Monday thru Friday. So smile. Be happy and ENOY THAT GRIND BABY. LFG!

The person who knows nothing of their darkness knows nothing of their light.
— God

Live Fearless. Not Reckless.

The Corner of 8th & Insanity


Today’s Mantra:

I AM patient and trusting that everything is unfolding in perfect timing.

I follow through on my promises.

I am capable of overcoming any money obstacles that stand in my way. I AM already wealthy and living life on my own terms.

I am powerful beyond my wildest imaginings. This is my week to shine as I embody my higher self. Let me be guided in each moment of choice to act within alignment to a greater purpose. I call into being all that I am and all that I am to be in this moment.


SLEEP: 7H1M (SS48)
ASANA: Easy Walk (6A-730A)

The Corner of 8th & Insanity

You must never become stagnant, life is ever flowing, ever moving, ever changing & forever evolving.

Be honest with yourself about what you want. Don’t deny yourself a chance at your dreams. We're all meant for great things, but not everyone believes that can happen. Make your faith larger than your fears, and watch your dreams manifest right before your eyes.

Live Fearless. Not Reckless.

The Corner of 8th & Insanity


Today’s Mantra

I AM making myself, my needs and my dreams a priority.

MY TIME is valuable, I do not waste it nor
allow others to take advantage of it.

I deserve to be loved and cherished.

My external world is a reflection of my inner world. The life that exists outside of me is a result of the life inside of myself.


SLEEP: 7H4M (SS38)
ASANA: MTB Ride(7A-8A)
ASANA: GYM - Legs Back & ARMS

All you can do is accept what is.

The Corner of 8th & Insanity

In life we get to experience the range of emotions & a range of life-experiences. And through it all, most of us will experience a "heartbreak". This is natural & normal. But the time must come, sooner than later, that we stop letting the same people continue to break our hearts. New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings. Positive changes will always follow difficult challenges.

We adopt the subconscious belief very early on in our lives that being approved of, liked and loved by others is the pre-requisite for getting what we need and want; but it isn't.

Live Fearless. Not Reckless.

The Corner of 8th & Insanity


Today’s Mantra

I breathe in Abundance.
I breathe out gratitude
I breathe in Abundance
I breathe out Gratitude

There is a bigger picture
and purpose in all that is occurring in my life.
I AM trusting my journey is leading me to greater goodness.

Having what I want to have is my undeniable birthright.
I am aligned with the energy of wealth and abundance.

I AM not only proud of myself,
I AM also proud to BE myself.

Sleep: 7H10M (SS83)
ASANA: Easy Ride (7A-8A)
ASANA: GYM - Chest/Shoulders/Core

The Corner of 8th & Insanity

Dude, being overwhelmed and exhausted has become all too common these days here on planet earth. Earth is a test. It is because the world isn’t set up to protect people’s mental health, its designed to distract you. Do not ever feel guilty for taking the time to centre yourself and take care of your own emotions, your own feelings, your own wellbeing. Dude, trust me. It takes that time to heal. And that is what you want, isn’t it? Heal so you no longer have to perform or devalue yourself for love. Heal so you don’t have to outsource your needs, especially when you’re more than capable of meeting them yourself. Heal so you can raise the vibration and level of awareness all around you. You have the power to transmute it all. Chest up, heart open. You can take it all, the good, the bad, and the ugly and transmute it into something beautiful. You influence the energy around you so long as you do not take on the energy around you. Remember that. I love you dude, so much. You are doing great.

1:11PM There is an incredible amount of freedom and empowerment to be found when you realize that being approved of, liked and loved is NOT the pre-requisite for getting what you want. Because the real deal truth is that when you start to realize so many people are emotionally wounded children in adult bodies, you stop taking so much shit personally and give even less fucks than you do now.

MY energy determines everything.

Live Fearless. Not Reckless.

The Corner of 8th & Insanity

Use Your Imagination For Creation.
The more you have something on your mind, the more it is going to happen…


Today’s Mantra

I AM tapping into my inner wellspring of power
and potential and transforming my life.

Love me or hate me, I don't change for others.

I AM a true being of peace

HRV: 48 Yellow

You must learn to trust that there is a future waiting for you that is beyond what you might be able to grasp at this present moment.

The Corner of 8th & Insanity


Today’s Mantra

I AM creating my life.
My thoughts, emotions,
words and actions shape and influence
my experience and my reality.



The Corner of 8th & Insanity

Dude, I know you and I know how hard you push your body. Stop & please please please don't be afraid to take a break, alone. Go rest your exhausted mind so you can find clarity. Replenish your mental energy so you can raise your vibration again. Good things come to those who are in a good place, internally. We attract what we desire by feeling as though we have it in our experience. This is speaking the language of vibration.

Not everyone is out there trying to be the best version of themselves, they’re simply trying their best to get the world to adapt to their ways. True intimacy happens when you feel completely safe in someone’s energy. Their aura invites all of you in. When another person feels like home, you know there’s a divine connection.

Stand up and fight for truth. Become all you are meant to be.

There are those that keep us sleeping and those that bring the dawn...

I will be dancing with those that remind me..